Field Notes 2022 was a group exhibition at Base 31 (formerly known as Camp Picton) offering the work of 15 artists who participated in Alchemy Artist Residency from June to September 2022. Field Notes was also a self-guided temporary public art exhibition in various locations throughout Prince Edward County including Hillier, Wellington, Picton, and Carrying Place. 

Alchemy artists return to the County each harvest season to explore, learn, and create. With each year, their affection and understanding of the land and people, who call the County home, continue to grow. During their residency at Alchemy, artists have the opportunity to collect, document, and share deeply layered stories showcasing what compels people to continue to create, grow, farm, and live in the County. The resulting works represent an ever-deepening relationship and understanding between and among artists, residents, farmers, wine growers and agricultural workers both seasonal and local. 


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